Your Will Be Done

As we concluded our 2017’s trip to Tuba City ion a high note, we’ve been planning on going back the next year; watering, cultivating and growing the seeds planted.

Our church partner been very positive with the camp we had in 2017, new connections with other churches also formed, and we know (from that unplanned trip to Urgent care, read the story here) that the community welcome us well. Many connections and friendships were made.

While we were there throughout the week, there’s this college student from Mississippi named J. He’s been interning/volunteering with our church partner for the summer. Throughout the week he’s been such a great help with the kids, leading prayers, doing backflips, and such. On the wednesday evening he went to Phoenix airport to pick up T, another college student from Oregon who’s coming to be an intern/volunteer for the latter part of the summer. They’ve been working together the previous summer, both were connected to this church we’re partnering with in Tuba City through their church’s affiliated denomination.

We had a great time working with both of them the last couple of days of camp. The plan was for them to take lead on reaching more kids and youths in the future. One of them said that once he finished with college, he’s thinking of moving to Tuba City full time and be a student pastor there. We’re all excited for them and hope that we’ll continue the friendship and working together the following year.

On Thursday the week we were there (approaching the end of the week, signalling end of camp), one of the kids told one of our team member “I wish you can stay here all year long and play with us” while another young kid (I'm guessing no more than 5 years old) said that they’re scared to go home because their parents yelled at each other often.

Of course it’s not our part to partake in their family affairs, it just shows how connections made with the kids and adults in Tuba City community (not all parents/grandparents dropped off their kids and leave. A few of them came to the camp and stayed the day watching their kids/grandkids and also helped us with many things).

Despite a few possible logistical challenges, we’re excited to be back.

I for once, excited to go back to a place we’ve just started. Unlike Shiprock in 2016, where we went home knowing that we most likely won’t go back (or in denial of that), this time I felt like we started-off right and had high hope of cultivating Tuba City into similar result to what’s been done in Shiprock.

Or so I thought . . .
Turned out God has another plan for us.

 . . Your ways are higher than mine
So take control . . .

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After the trips, we usually have team reunions in August, before ending our mission year around October, when the team and site leaders meet for a debrief with our missions office, and laid out plans for the coming year.

Then the next mission year usually kicks-off in early/mid November with our PEACE Native America annual dinner. That’s where the we first get hear of where are we going and registration/sign-up first opens.

Training for new members starts late February, and lasts through late May or early June. There are 8 training sessions for new members, whilst returning members only need to attend the last 4.

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In 2018, we begun with 4 teams, and I was on the Tuba City team, planning on returning there.
After the first 2 trainings, we’ve received news that a church near Gallup, NM who reached out to our leaers and would like to invite us for a camp.

It was started in a conference where the pastor met with some other pastors in the area and heard about what we’ve been doing. His church was in process of rebuilding and relaunching their kids and youth ministry and having a Sports/basketball and arts/crafts camp would be a great way to do that. And one after another doors keep opening . . . and, when God called, we answer!

Voila . . . YahTaHey team is formed, and for the first time ever, we have 5 teams!

Granted, it was pretty late in the season with trainings already ongoing and team members are quite settled. The new team severely need an experienced team member.

So, after some thoughts and prayers, I decided to make the switch to YahTaHey team.

Who would’ve thunk . . . 3 years, 3 trips, 3 different locations.
— By the time I’m writing this, I’m a week away from a trip to Kykotsmovi Village in the Hopi Reservation that would make it 4 years, 4 trips, 4 different locations. (finishing the task, then planting new seeds 3 years in a row). New Mexico, then Arizona, back to New Mexico, and then back to Arizona. But that’s a story for another day.

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YahTaHey 2018 Team 
We were in front of Window Rock, the town is named after this rock, and Navajo Nation Capital building is right in front of it.

This YahTaHey team is probably the most unique team ever.
We had 12 adults and 6 kids. Total of 18, the lowest number we ever had in a team.

Despite only been in 2 trips, I ended up being the most experienced team member (not counting our Mission Leaders — a couple who’s been going to numerous trips for over a decade), even our Site Leader has only been to 1 trip, haha.

Not counting the leader, only 2 of us (me, and the site leader, total of 3 trips under our belts) been on a trip before, we were part of Tuba City team in 2017, rooming and traveling together. The rest are all rookies. Basketball, storytelling and crafts leaders were all first-timers, not just in leadership, but it was their first trip ever!

Even though we were behind other teams in many aspects, we kept marching on.
We believe that God will provide and equip the called.

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Strangely enough, the original Tuba City 2018 team ended up not going to Tuba City that year.
As we were in the thick of our trainings, one thing lead to another, it became apparent that it wasn’t meant to be. Sadly, we had to pull the plug. It’s definitely not the end of the story, maybe the door will open once again some day, or perhaps, our role was just to plant, and someone else to water in and for God to grow the seeds. Who knows.

Around the same time— as God has planned it — there are a couple churches near Farmington, NM (where I stayed in 2016 on Shiprock trip) reached out to us in the spring. Normally we would say that we’ll go in the following year and take the time to plan. But since we already have a team ready to go, we gladly said yes!

. . . Your thoughts are greater than mine
I'm letting go . . .

So, more than halfway through our trainings, by the 7th (out of 8) training, Tuba City 2018 team transformed into Nenahnezad 2018 team.

That however, is not the end of the story . . .
The school — where the camp was originally planned to be — couldn’t be used for camp the week we travel there and we had to move the camp to Fruitland, NM — next town over — in one of the partnering church’s facility.

Arts & Crafts were conducted inside the church while Basketball were held outside in the parking lot. Similar set-up with what we have in YahTaHey (more on YahTaHey camp in the next post).

Throughout all these shifts, the mess and changes, we stayed true to our Fast-Fluid-Flexible value. Although we can’t help but wonder why?

Was that a resistance from rulers, authorities and strongholds. Or maybe we’re being too ambitious replicating Shiprock in Tuba City? Or something else? Maybe something in-between? All of the above? Who knows . . .

. . . When I don't understand, when it's out of my hands . . .

All I know is this . . .
God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

If we never get a team ready to go to Tuba City, we won’t have a team to go to Nenahnezad/Fruitland when those churches called, and we’d have to tell them to wait until the next summer.

Perhaps, YahTaHey team wouldn’t exist either. There are many team members who may not get to experience going on a mission trip. There would be people who never had the chance to get connected to these local partnering churches. Many other what ifs, maybes and perhaps . . . we’ll never know,

. . . Your ways are higher than mine
So take control
Your thoughts are greater than mine
I'm letting go
When I don't understand, when it's out of my hands . . .

Your will be done

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