Not Gonna Wait

Twen’y-twen’y.... TWO!

Two years since the world shuts down in mid March of 2020... it is now March of twen’y-twen’y-two. Our team leaders were having an online meeting with one of our partnering organization in the Navajo Reservation. 

Whilst life in Orange County seems already recovered almost to the way it was in the B.C. (before Covid) era, life in the reservation is not the same.

The native reservations got hit hard. Logistical issues such as availability of water, masks, sanitizier and the likes is one reason. The other would be their living situation. Whilst in many communities such as Orange County, “shelter at home in your own bubble” means staying with a family of 4–6 people, it is common in many Native American communities for a family of more than 10 people living in the same household.

Health condition is another, with many of the people having an existing condition and that combined with availability of medical assistance (that’s even worse during the pandemic due to covid-related protocol) and distance to medical facilities.

Understandably, the reservation has been in a shelter-in-place ordinance for much longer than we did.

- - -

Then, in the spring of twen'y-twen'y-two.  Two exact years later there they were. Having a virtual meeting discussing what the plan is for twen'y-twen'y-two.

With many of the ordinance and restrictions still in place, our leaders suggested that it may be best to wait for another year. Also out of respect for those who may still be concerned interacting with people outside their bubble. And last thing we want is unknowingly bringing the virus into the rez in whichever community we serve.

I was not part of the meeting, but this is what our leaders told us:
Our partner over there — whom I have never met personally, but was described as a joyful, jolly person — looked defeated, like life was just sucked out of him. It was so uncharacteristic of him.

He told us that we can’t wait any longer. The kids and the community has suffered for two long years. It’s been three years since we last sent a team in the Summer of 2019. What he said changed our mindset immediately, that we decided to explore all available avenues to make things happen. God’s willing we’ll be back to the rez in twen'y-twen'y-two.

And as always... where God calls, he provides...

So we answer that calling and decided we’re not gonna wait for another year!

I won't reserve my chance to worship

To lift high the greatest name

Not gonna save my voice for heaven

I'm not gonna wait

I won't hold back my hallelujah

Until we are face to face

I will give back the breath You've given

I'm not gonna wait

So, we rallied up former team members and quickly form an all-experienced team. We’re already late in the season — normally March is when we begin our training, team formations usually already in place by February, and started as early as November of the previous year — and thus not enough time to train newcomers, only returning team members for this time. 

I'm not gonna wait

I'm not gonna wait

 . . . 

Praise God praise God

From Whom all blessings flow

Praise Him praise Him

All creatures here bellow

As the angels sing and bow

Creation joins that sound

Singing holy is the Lord

Holy is the Lord

After a two-year hiatus, we’re so out of rhythm and really need to shake-off the rustiness. Not just that, the well-oiled machine we had is no longer in place. We pretty much have to start from scratch whilst racing against time. 

Still, we’re not gonna wait... 

Not holding back... 

It’s all or nothing...

Here we come!
—on the way to the Rez, July 2022

I will release my greatest offering

May it be pleasing to Your ears

If my melody can move You

I'm not gonna wait

Not holding back it's all or nothing

Here in this moment hands are raised

If my worship touches heaven

I'm not gonna wait

I'm not gonna wait

. . .

Praise God praise God

From Whom all blessings flow

Praise Him praise Him

All creatures here bellow

As the angels sing and bow

Creation joins that sound

Singing holy is the Lord

Holy is the Lord

. . .

I'm not gonna wait

'Til I'm standing at the gates

I'm not gonna wait

'Til I see You face to face

If all I have is today

I'm gonna choose to praise

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord

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