Day 4: Fast, Fluid and Flexible

As mentioned, I was assigned to lead our morning devotional today.
I opened with a reference to the excitement of our first day, the schedule changes, assignment changes, and joked a little bit of how many of us spent the whole day in the sauna room (I was referring to the arts & crafts room, which took place in a classroom with a broken air conditioning).

As we start our 2nd day of camp, we were reminded that we need to be fast, fluid, and flexible in dealing with the changes and the unexpected. 

After all, it’s not about me (us).
Throughout our training sessions, it’s been repeated over and over. It’s not about me.
And it’s easy to see that phrase from a humility standpoint. About denying ourself, letting things go, and on and on.

This morning we looked at that phrase from a different angle and found encouragement in Eph. 3:20-21.

Yep, that one… the "immeasurably more" verse.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

We found comfort that it’s not about me (us) because by letting our agenda and idealistic ideas go; we're allowing God’s plans to happen. His plan, —which is— “immeasurably more” than our best ideas. Better than anything we could ever think or imagine.

We closed our devotion with a prayer, praising His greatness and rejoicing over those “immeasurably more” He has in mind. And declaring that His will be done in the Navajo Nation as it is in heaven. Let His name be glorified in this land generation through generation till the end of days.

As we stepped out for the 2nd day of camp, we took our steps with excitement, expecting the “immeasurably more” to happen. 


After a short drive, upon arrival in the high school gym, we were a little surprised. Since we saw significantly less kids.
Where are the kids?

Just a few minutes later, more and more kids begin to swarm into the gym.
Then we remember what our Shiprock team leader mentioned. People here live by “The Rez” time.
"When we tell people 7.30, they’ll come at 8."
No biggie.


Today, I spent the whole 3 sessions in football camp.
More older kids came, and they’ve been super helpful in handling the kids.
It’s fascinating how kids in different ages are willing to to play with and even help each other.
They just have a sense of togetherness as community.
Granted, a lot of them are related, but still... it’s so different than what we used to.

Flag Football Camp
"Second Down!" – me

My personal highlight of the day during Camp today.

One of the kid asked me, “Hey Billy, how do you say ‘the week before’ in your language”
“Last week?” I said.
they all chuckled and then one of them said “Hey, that’s english!”
“I speak english” 
“But you’re asian!”
“Yes, I’m an asian who speak English” I answered.
“Aren’t you supposed to speak Asian?”

We all laughed.

Then it hits me. After 2 days of camp, I realized that I was the only asian in the whole camp.
And some of the kids might’ve never meet an asian their whole life.
I certainly don't feel like a minority or strangers. We all together with common goal and love for each other, race and colors doesn't matter. 

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Another highlight for today was a demonstration and informational session with the Fire Department.
It's one of the thing that amazed me how our local partners get the local Fire Department to get involved and do some presentation. Getting the kids up close with the firefighters and emergency procedures, can be a crucial knowledge and experience for them in times of trouble. It was also such an inspiring moment for the kids, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the kids decided to become a firefigther when they grew up.

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As we closed up the day, during debrief one of their wonderful volunteer — the guy who’s been in charge of the facilities and all donations — mentioned that we have a lot of soccer balls donated, and we gotta use them and give them away to the kids at the end of camp. So he asked if anybody willing to run a soccer camp.

Yep, (as you would’ve probably guessed…) I just can’t say no to that.
As a soccer junkie and a (former) US Soccer-licensed referee, I gladly took the offer.


After dinner time, we had a little team meeting where we share stories. We learned more about the kids and everything we’ve experienced.

We end the day with a little celebration, celebrating our team leader’s birthday.
It’s only fitting she gets to celebrate her birthday here in the Rez.

It's only Day 2 of camp, 3 more days to go!
Stay tuned for more exciting stories Day 3 and beyond . . .

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