8 Years

   Four millions, two-hundred four thousands, eight hundred minutes.
   Four millions, two-hundred four thousands, eight hundred moments so dear.
   Four millions, two-hundred four thousands, eight hundred minutes.
   Four millions, two-hundred four thousands, eight hundred journeys to plan.

At some point between trainings and taking care all those logistics prior to my first mission trip ever back in 2016, I was wondering how I ended up at that point.

So I took a little reflection back to the day when I took my 401 (Missions) Class back in 2008.
That was the first time I’ve ever heard about PEACE Native America.
However, it wasn’t until 2016 when I finally took the step in fulfilling my life missions.

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Having grown up overseas in a third-world country, going on a mission to another nation was never high on my list. 
Somehow, it just doesn’t interest me. 
America has always been my mission.

Although I grew up in sunday school, stayed in church throughout my school years, and involved in the studient ministries every now and then; it wasn’t until my first month in college I consciously made my personal decision to belong in a church family, grow spiritually, worship regularly and started my ministries. Despite my Christian-influenced upbringing in my birth country, all those milestones took place in the land of the free and home of the brave known as the US of A.
America is my mission.
I tried to get involved with a PEACE Disaster Relieve Team in 2013, Oklahoma City. But I was 3 days too late.

In Fall of 2014, I tried my hand on a Local PEACE. Whilst I appreciate the experience, I was just not felling that it’s my mission. Something’s missing, something was not there, it was just not the right fit.

At that time I was testing the water by getting involved with a neighborhood clean-up at a community in North Orange County — a community I always hold close to my heart. It’s where my home church is, a church family to belong to where I was part of the launch team that planted the church back in 2010. Yes, in that Cafetorium—witnessed by a multitude of angels, 200 humans, and a Viking in a skirt—we launched a church that committed in loving the community, family and people of North Orange County.

The Viking is on the right side, right behind the lighting tree.
Our Church's Launch Service – December 24, 2010.
See the Viking? It's on the right side of picture, on the wall right behind the lighting tree.

That experience helped me realized that North OC is my ministry field.
It’s my community, my church family, my “backyard,” my home turf.
Not my mission.

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When I took Class 401 that saturday morning in Spring of 2008 . . .

—in a building that no longer exist, ironically it was known as Room 404, (get it? ask an IT person, or just google it if you haven’t see the irony) where Ohana venue used to meet. That area is now part of a grassy knoll/green pasture known as Central Park at Saddleback Lake Forest—

. . . PEACE Native America was the only one that attracted my attention. I remember receiving a blue card with black outline and a “Bring & Go” watermark at the end of class. Can’t recall if I checked the Native America check box on that card. But sure enough, I went home full of excitement and went online checking the next available Native America Trip.

None available.

“Maybe I’ll just try again later” I thought. 
Weeks turned into month, months turned into years. 
And I graciously forgot about it.

2 elections, 2 Olympics, 2 World Cups and 8 Superbowls later . . .

   Two-thousand nine-hundred and twenty of daylights, sunsets and midnights later . . .
8 years later . . .

On a fine Saturday afternoon, early in 2016. What seemed to be “just another day at church;” that one small talk that leads to a giant leap happened. 

That conversation with the aforementioned friend, reminded me that America is my mission. 
And sure enough I made my commitment a few months later on May 15, 2016. You can read the story here.
   — For those of you who like details, the date of my 401 class was May 18, 2008. Yup, 8 years!

By now, I'm sure you already know that I ended up going to the Navajo Nation in 2016, spent a week on mission in Shiprock, NM; had a blast, and got hooked. 

Upon returning from that trip I decided to adopt Native America as my life mission. 

God’s willing, I’m planning on going every year*, and committed in supporting PEACE Native America operation throughout the year here on our home turf.

   *I’m sure by now you’ve also heard that I’m leaving on another Trip to Navajo Nation soon.

There’s a time for everything, and a season for every activities under the heavens.
I take comfort in believing that everything is beautiful in it’s time.

8 years.
64 Months.
416 Weeks.
2,920 days.
70,080 hours.
4,204,800 minutes.

That’s quite a long time from the day the seed was planted, until I hit the ground running.

I still can’t fathom the whole idea of that waiting period.
Or if it needs to be that long. But I’m trusting the almighty in this journey.
Maybe one of these below:

Time that was needed for that seed to grow.
Time it takes to build a strong support system: a home campus, a church family, and a community.
Time that was needed to heal wounds.
Time it takes to sharpen my shape.

Or maybe, all of the above.

It’s been quite a journey, but my mission has just begun.

Curious on what got me hooked? Stay tuned for my next journal entries.

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